
Digital Video Recorders

The best way to record your cameras is on to a DVR. DVRs record directly on to Hard Drive and offer high resolution recording up to DVD quality (500+ TVL) and high frame rates up to 400 fps (no of images being recorded a second). DVRs outperform equivalent time lapse video based systems which can only record 200 to 300 TVL (when connected to a quad/multiplexer) and a maximum of 3 fps.
In addition to this DVRs offer advanced features such as, instant searching and playback of recordings, pentaplex control (allowing live viewing, recording, playing back, and networking to take place at the same time), motion detection (this can trigger recording, sound an alarm, or call a phone), remote access (for live viewing and playback of recordings) via a PC on the same local area network or from anywhere in the world via Modem, LAN or the Internet, real time recording of up to 16 cameras, POS integration (records transactions being put through a till), and many other features.

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